My Why – Massage Float Suana & Healing Spa Owensboro

“In December 2014, my son suffered a tragedy. Jansen was placed on life support for a traumatic brain injury. The prognosis of his injuries was bleak, but when Jansen showed he was a fighter, hope began to set in. When looking to alternative medicine for help, the doctor willingly began treating Jansen with fish oil when the request was made. The results seemed to be astonishingly beneficial. I continued to look in to alternative treatments and was lead down several other paths. My ongoing journey has lead me to open Free Your Mind Body and Soul Wellness. I am so happy to share my findings to our community and be able to offer these therapeutic modalities to others seeking aid.”

Melissa Logsdon and son Jansen. Melissa Logsdon and son Jansen.

My reason why is my sweet boy Jansen.

One of Jansen’s orthopedic doctors quoted statistics of immobile/non ambulatory children.
Explaining an average of 5 invasive orthopediac surgeries by the age of 8 are needed for this population. He has had 0 up to this point and will be 10 soon!

There are other alternatives out there to increase mobility, reduce pain, and reduce spasticity that do not include surgery or medicine at any age.